Effects Corona Virus will have on business operations and personal affairs
COVID-19 may, undoubtedly, have the largest impact on the global economy which we have ever witnessed. It has most certainly had an unprecedented impact on local business and the personal affairs of all South Africans. This is, however, not the time to shy away from the challenges which lie ahead. Businesses and individuals need to […]
Having to work after hours: Is it legal?
Many industries may sometimes require their employees to work irregular hours. Employers within these industries, also known as “24/7″ industries, have somehow developed the notion that they are “different” from any other industries. The Basic Conditions of Employment Act, and The Code of Good Practice, explain the criteria for this important aspect of employment. It […]
Having to work after hours: Is it legal?
Many industries may sometimes require their employees to work irregular hours. Employers within these industries, also known as “24/7″ industries, have somehow developed the notion that they are “different” from any other industries. The Basic Conditions of Employment Act, and The Code of Good Practice, explain the criteria for this important aspect of employment. It […]
Business planning
Owning a business requires careful succession planning and is part of your estate planning as you have to determine who will succeed you, or who will purchase your shares, or who will be entitled to the income after your death. The future ownership of your business is at stake. A Partnership automatically dissolves upon the […]
Die besit van ‘n besigheid vereis noukeurige opvolgbeplanning en is deel van jou boedelbeplanning omdat jy moet bepaal wie jou gaan opvolg, of wie jou aandele gaan koop, of wie geregtig sal wees op die inkomste na jou dood. Die toekomstige eienaarskap van jou besigheid is op die spel. ‘n Vennootskap word outomaties ontbind by […]
Business planning
Owning a business requires careful succession planning and is part of your estate planning as you have to determine who will succeed you, or who will purchase your shares, or who will be entitled to the income after your death. The future ownership of your business is at stake. A Partnership automatically dissolves upon the […]
Die besit van ‘n besigheid vereis noukeurige opvolgbeplanning en is deel van jou boedelbeplanning omdat jy moet bepaal wie jou gaan opvolg, of wie jou aandele gaan koop, of wie geregtig sal wees op die inkomste na jou dood. Die toekomstige eienaarskap van jou besigheid is op die spel. ‘n Vennootskap word outomaties ontbind by […]
Be careful what you write or say!
Classically, the law of defamation attempts to strike a balance between a plaintiff’s right to reputation, and a defendant’s right to freedom of expression, two rights that are recognised both at common law and in the Constitution. Defamation is a serious consideration in the interaction with letters, e-mails, and general discussions. A plaintiff needs to […]
Acceptance of Electronic Funds Transfer payment specifically in sale of vehicles and transfer of registration on eNatis
Electronic Funds Transfers, better known as EFT’s, have become a popular payment method in South Africa, accepted by many in lieu of cash or cheque payments. Many accept the printed electronic funds transfer as “proof” of a cash payment into the bank account, especially in the selling and purchasing of motor vehicles. They insist on […]
Wees versigtig wat jy sê of skryf!
Die wet van naamskending poog om balans te vind tussen die eiser se reg op reputasie, en n verweerder se reg op vryheid van uitdrukking, die is twee regte wat beide die gemenereg en in die Grondwet erken word. Die skending van iemand se naam is deesdae ‘n ernstige oorweging met die interaksie in die […]