A brief overview of parole in South Africa
Bob Hewitt a former South African tennis star, has recently made headlines again after his failed bid to be released on parole. Hewitt was initially granted parole, but Justice Minister Ronald Ramola ordered that the parole board’s decision be reviewed. Hewitt’s parole was subsequently set aside. Hewitt’s parole fiasco has put parole back into the […]
The risk of EFT fraud when selling a car
Electronic Funds Transfers, better known as EFTs, have become a popular payment method in South Africa, accepted by many in lieu of cash or cheque payments. This allows buyers to reverse payments and essentially fraud sellers into thinking that they’ve been paid. Many accept the printed EFT document as “proof” of a cash payment into […]
The risk of EFT fraud when selling a car
Electronic Funds Transfers, better known as EFTs, have become a popular payment method in South Africa, accepted by many in lieu of cash or cheque payments. This allows buyers to reverse payments and essentially fraud sellers into thinking that they’ve been paid. Many accept the printed EFT document as “proof” of a cash payment into […]
Bail or not
People are often outraged when they hear of accused persons who have been released on bail. In this article the factors to be considered when deciding whether someone should be let out on bail or not will be discussed. This will allow us to better understand why someone has been released on bail or why […]
Bail or not
People are often outraged when they hear of accused persons who have been released on bail. In this article the factors to be considered when deciding whether someone should be let out on bail or not will be discussed. This will allow us to better understand why someone has been released on bail or why […]
Can somebody take the law into his/her own hands?
The mandament van spolie is a summary remedy, usually issued upon urgent application, aimed at restoring control of property to the applicant from whom it was taken through unlawful self-help, without investigating the merits of the parties’ rights to control. From the definition above it is evident that this remedy is unique, because it is […]
Can somebody take the law into his/her own hands?
The mandament van spolie is a summary remedy, usually issued upon urgent application, aimed at restoring control of property to the applicant from whom it was taken through unlawful self-help, without investigating the merits of the parties’ rights to control. From the definition above it is evident that this remedy is unique, because it is […]
Is uitlewering die enigste antwoord?
Dit was ‘n storie wat die wêreld geskok het: ‘n vrou word wreed vermoor op haar wittebrood, en ‘n man op soek na antwoorde in ‘n vreemde land, totdat dit na vore gekom het dat hy die konkelaar was in sy vrou se moord. Shrien Dewani word daarvan verdink dat hy die moord op sy […]
Is uitlewering die enigste antwoord?
Dit was ‘n storie wat die wêreld geskok het: ‘n vrou word wreed vermoor op haar wittebrood, en ‘n man op soek na antwoorde in ‘n vreemde land, totdat dit na vore gekom het dat hy die konkelaar was in sy vrou se moord. Shrien Dewani word daarvan verdink dat hy die moord op sy […]