Guthrie & Theron | Attorneys in the Overberg Region

Transfer duty. No surprises. Part I

Transfer duty is a duty levied for the benefit of the National Revenue Fund on the value of any property acquired by any person by way of a transaction or in any other way, or on the amount by which the value of any property is enhanced by the renunciation of an interest or restriction […]

What does a suspensive condition in a contract really mean?

Most people that have bought a property may have noticed a clause dealing with suspensive conditions in the contract of sale. Usually these conditions relate to deposits that need to be paid, financing that has to be procured and/or another property that needs to be sold before the sale can be confirmed. The interpretation appears […]

What does a suspensive condition in a contract really mean?

Most people that have bought a property may have noticed a clause dealing with suspensive conditions in the contract of sale. Usually these conditions relate to deposits that need to be paid, financing that has to be procured and/or another property that needs to be sold before the sale can be confirmed. The interpretation appears […]

So wanneer is ek by magte om as trustee op te tree?

Die Wet op Beheer van Trustgoedere 57 van 1988 definieer ‘n trustee as “enige persoon (ingesluit die oprigter) wat optree as trustee uit hoofde van ‘n magtiging in terme van Artikel 6.” In die saak van Lupacchini teen die Minister van Veiligheid en Sekuriteit (16/2010) [2010], ZASCA 108 (17 September 2010), is die posisie van […]

So wanneer is ek by magte om as trustee op te tree?

Die Wet op Beheer van Trustgoedere 57 van 1988 definieer ‘n trustee as “enige persoon (ingesluit die oprigter) wat optree as trustee uit hoofde van ‘n magtiging in terme van Artikel 6.” In die saak van Lupacchini teen die Minister van Veiligheid en Sekuriteit (16/2010) [2010], ZASCA 108 (17 September 2010), is die posisie van […]

Die verbruiker se regte onder die Wet op Verbruikersbeskerming

Kan ‘n verbruiker jou, die diensverskaffer, hof toe sleep omdat die verbruiker nie sommige van die terme en voorwaardes van jou getekende kontrak verstaan nie? Pasop, die antwoord is Ja! Vanaf April 2011 het die Wet op Verbruikersbeskerming in volle werking getree, met die gevolg dat dit nou onwettig is om moeilik-om-te-verstaan ​​taal in enige […]

Die verbruiker se regte onder die Wet op Verbruikersbeskerming

Kan ‘n verbruiker jou, die diensverskaffer, hof toe sleep omdat die verbruiker nie sommige van die terme en voorwaardes van jou getekende kontrak verstaan nie? Pasop, die antwoord is Ja! Vanaf April 2011 het die Wet op Verbruikersbeskerming in volle werking getree, met die gevolg dat dit nou onwettig is om moeilik-om-te-verstaan ​​taal in enige […]

Fixed Term Contracts – A New Twist You Need To Know!

The unfair dismissal claim Employees:  Are you employed on a fixed contract basis?  If so, what are your rights when your contract expires?  In a nutshell, you will have a case against your employer for unfair dismissal if: – You have “a reasonable expectation” that the fixed term contract will be renewed on the same […]

Fixed Term Contracts – A New Twist You Need To Know!

The unfair dismissal claim Employees:  Are you employed on a fixed contract basis?  If so, what are your rights when your contract expires?  In a nutshell, you will have a case against your employer for unfair dismissal if: – You have “a reasonable expectation” that the fixed term contract will be renewed on the same […]

Auction Bidders – 5 Rights You Need To Know!

Are you hoping to pick up a bargain at a public auction but are put off by the media uproar over allegations of undisclosed “vendor” or “ghost” bidding? If so, read on……

Auctioneers and the CPA

The Consumer Protection Act and Regulations impose very strict and detailed obligations on auctioneers in regard to how they must advertise and conduct auctions. Which gives you, the bidder, a raft of important rights.