Guthrie & Theron has opened an office in Baardskeerdersbos in 2007 and after many successful sales, the office is going from strength to strength offering a ONE STOP SERVICE to clients.
The B’bos valley is a haven of tranquility surrounded by tourism hotspots such as Gansbaai, where Danger Point lighthouse and the Strandveld museum is worth a visit. On route to Agulhas, B’bos is worth a stop or a stay-over in one of the self-catering cottages.
Take a stroll through the village, meet Manie Groenewald ( Baardskeerdersbos Boereorkes leader). Visit the artists on The B’bos Art Route open weekends (next open weekend 18 & 19 April 2015) or the B’bos Art Gallery on the main road.
Worth a visit is Lokal in B’Bos Deli & Wine shop on the main road (open on B’Bos Art Route Open Weekend). Lunch & Dinner: Marietjies or Strandveld Pub & Grill.
Upgrading of the road between Gansbaai/Baardskeerdersbos/Elim/Bredasdorp/Cape Agulhas from gravel to tar surface has started and completion date May 2015.
Think about buying a property in B’bos, this is the right time!