VAT increase and the effect on property transfers and the registration of transfers before and after 1 April 2018.
The increase was announced in the Minister of Finance’s Budget Speech on 21 February 2018. The standard rate of VAT will change from 14% to 15% on 1 April 2018 (the effective date). How will this VAT increase affect property transactions, property registrations and estate agent commissions? Question 1: How will the rate increase work […]
Eiendomstransaksies met trusts – Let op die risiko’s!
Enige persoon wat eiendom namens ‘n trust wil verkoop of koop moet behoorlik en skriftelik gemagtig wees om namens die trust op te tree. Alle ooreenkomste waarin onroerende eiendom gekoop of verkoop word, moet regtens op skrif wees en dit moet deur beide die koper en die verkoper onderteken word, of deur hul agente wat […]